How to Meal Plan for Less Stress and Better Health

Does the thought of meal planning bring up feelings of dread?

You’re not alone.

I used to dread doing this, too.

But, in a past life, when I ran a home daycare, I had to learn this skill.

Over time, I got really good at it.

And it’s actually become something I look forward to, and now I even find it kind of fun.

Yes, fun.

Not just for the activity itself, but also for what it brings me.

However, I know that to you, it can seem like anything but fun.

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How to ACTUALLY make YOUR HEALTH a priority

What are the most important things in life to you?

Chances are, if you’re like most of us, “My health” is somewhere near the top of the list.

But I’m not sure if many of us actually believe ourselves when we say it.

In fact, I hear that a lot.

I hear the guilt around not making health a priority.

And the shame around being out of shape and overweight.

What I’ve learned is that we all want our health to be a top priority.

But we don’t always know how to make that happen within our busy lives.

And that’s ok.

Because there’s a solution.

Continue reading “How to ACTUALLY make YOUR HEALTH a priority”

Presence for Mother’s Day

Here in Canada, this Sunday is Mother’s Day.

I know for some, it’s just a commercial holiday.

But for a lot of us, it’s a day we spend time with our moms and families.

Or we take time to remember those moms in our lives that have passed.

In my case, it’s the one day each year that I go visit my mom’s grave.

And I bring her a single flower…

A bird of paradise.


It was her favorite.

Just three years before she passed away, my brothers and I surprised my parents with plane tickets to Hawaii for their 25th wedding anniversary.

Continue reading “Presence for Mother’s Day”

Getting organized for better health

Have you ever watched “Get Organized with The Home Edit” on Netflix?

I’m obsessed!

Although I’ve never been an organization freak, this show makes me want to be one.

Seeing the home spaces they organize, so beautifully arranged by function and color, just makes me feel good.

And, on the flip-side, I know that when I see cluttered and chaotic spaces in my house, I don’t feel good.

It feels like total overwhelm and sadness.

It stresses me.

And you know, if you’ve been reading my posts, that stress is a huge barrier to weight loss, fitness, and a healthier life.

So, just by organizing your environment you can feel better, in every way.

But organizing isn’t just about your home environment.

Continue reading “Getting organized for better health”

Do you need Hormone Therapy (aka HRT)?

I’ve had several questions about this topic.

So, I decided to write this post.

And give you a few references (below).

Before diving in, I just want to preface by saying I’m not a hormone expert.

And I’m not a doctor (and don’t even play one on tv.)

So, everything I’m writing here is based on information I’ve gathered from books, articles, and studies (I’ve included a few references below.)

With that out of the way, here’s the most important thing I know…

Menopause is a natural event in a woman’s life (I know that sounds a little like sex ed 101, but bear with me…)

What I mean is that menopause is normal.

It’s not a condition that needs to be fixed or medicated.

Continue reading “Do you need Hormone Therapy (aka HRT)?”

Why Yoga leads to a better perimenopause experience

Your hormones may be a little chaotic these days.

I know mine are.

For me, I notice it in my cycle which has been unpredictable over the past few months.

I get heart palpitations every so often.

I get bloated more easily.

I’m more prone to gaining belly fat.

I feel more aches and pains in my joints.

And I had a few months of acid reflux.

Stress is definitely something that makes these things appear or get worse for me.

Continue reading “Why Yoga leads to a better perimenopause experience”

Your brain in perimenopause

Brain fog.

Forgetting words.

Recently I’ve been enthusiastic about (addicted to) the online game Wordle.

I’ve always been drawn to word puzzles, and what I like about this one is it’s simple and there’s only one a day (thank God!)

But what this game has also made me notice is how sometimes my brain isn’t working as quickly as it used to.

Words that I know, easy words, get stuck on the tip of my tongue.

And at first, I was a little worried.

Was I losing it?

Continue reading “Your brain in perimenopause”

How to get it done when you don’t feel like it

Here’s a post from a few years ago.

It’s a subject that’s always relevant, and that I coach on regularly.

So I hope you get what you need from it.

This morning I woke up at 5:30.

Last night, before going to bed, I planned to get up this morning, bright and early, to do my work-out. 

I knew what I wanted to get done (I wrote it down), why I was doing it (Spartan race this Saturday!), where I was going (the park across the street),  and what I was going to wear (I took out my shorts, tank top, and socks last night).

But despite good planning, the truth was I didn’t “feel like” working out this morning.

Continue reading “How to get it done when you don’t feel like it”