How to have more BALANCE in your life

What does balance mean to you?

Is it about splitting your time between doing the things you want to do and the things you don’t?

Or maybe it’s about managing your energy between pushing yourself and relaxing.

Balance is a simple word that can mean many things.

So, if you want balance, you need to define what it means to you if you’re going to achieve it.

And I think a good place to start is to notice how you’re feeling.

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Bring out your RED in 2023

At 50, I’ve realized that the real hard work in life isn’t the physical stuff we do.

It’s not the going to work or school, the moving to new places, the raising kids, or the actual physical challenges we put ourselves through.

The real hard work is facing ourselves.

Facing who we are and what we actually want.

Taking the time to listen to and understand ourselves.

Most of us don’t go there.

Either we don’t think about it, or, more likely, we avoid it.

I know because I often hear a version of:

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