Is Revenge Bedtime Procrastination an issue for you?

Last week I was away in Vancouver.

It was so great to be on a vacation again.

To visit new places, and meet people.

That’s where I found myself in a hot spring pool, talking to another woman who introduced me to the term Revenge Bedtime.

And although I knew about it as a concept, I didn’t know it had a name.

So, here’s what REVENGE BEDTIME PROCRASTINATION (which I found out is the actual term) is, in a nutshell:

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YOU are your greatest asset

I love the idea that I am my greatest asset.

It’s a concept I learned from a fellow coach a few years ago.

It’s helped me realize my own value, and understand the importance of investing in myself.

So, I’m sharing it here with you.

YOU as an asset

So, normally we think of assets as relating to things of monetary value.

Things like our house, our car, our furniture, and our investments.

But assets can also be people, like the employees in a company.

And more specifically, an asset can be YOU. 

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